The NLP presupposition “People make the best choice they can at the time” emphasizes the understanding that individuals, including those being audited, make decisions based on their perceptions, available information, and circumstances at a given moment. Recognizing this presupposition can significantly enhance an internal auditor’s effectiveness in the following five ways:
By adopting the NLP presupposition that “People make the best choice they can at the time,” internal auditors can approach their work with empathy, context, and a focus on constructive improvement. This mindset enhances their ability to assess decisions and processes objectively, identify root causes, provide meaningful feedback, and contribute to the organization’s overall effectiveness and growth.
If you would like a workshop or deeper training on NLP techniques for your Internal Audit team, please drop me a mail at info@bhavanijois.com or reach me on +919845800277.
#NLP #PeopleMakeTheBestChoiceTheyCan #internalauditors #IIAIndia #iia #growthmindsets #NewPerspectives #TheEvolvingAuditor #Choices